Spencer & Kristen

Spencer & Kristen

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A Community Comes Together To Repair A Fallen Officer's Truck For His Son

An officer who was killed in the line of duty in Oceanside, California always said he wanted his son to inherit his truck one day. 

Tony Zeppetella died back in 2003, when his son, Jakob, was only six-months-old, but the teen is now ready to drive and thanks to support from the community, his dad’s truck is ready for him.

Over the years, the 1998 truck has started to show its age and needed some repairs. Local mechanics and body shops stepped up to donate their time and services to do the work for free, which they say would’ve cost about $10,000.

"Ever since we've had the truck I've kind of imagined it being my car once I'm old enough to drive," Jakob said.

His mom says there were a lot of memories wrapped up in the truck, including it being the vehicle they brought Jakob home in when he was born.

Photo: Getty Images

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