On the one week eve of the one year anniversary of The Spencer and Kristen morning show…I can confidently say that the State of the Show is stronger than ever before!
In the past year, we have successfully witnessed Spencer Graves purchase a home in Roswell. He’s met new friends. He’s been invited by many listeners to hunt and fish some of the sweetest spots in the great state of Georgia. He has committed to two new tattoos. His beard is fuller than ever. We gently urged him to stop wearing Schmediums and take the leap to size Large. He’s learned the magic of the Downy Unstoppables and the quality of life improvement because of them. He’s been relentless in his crossfit goals – we know because he tells us…every chance he gets.
And at the risk of speaking about myself in third person…Kristen Gates underwent brain tumor surgery and countless screenings and biopsies. She’s scrappy, though. She’s good. She continues to push the hoodie and yoga pant movement with no shame. She has invested even more time into the science of laundry. She’ll strive in this next year to exercise more, or at least she’ll talk about it and never do it.
To the listeners of this great station (get it…instead of nation…I said station)…You continue to amaze us. Your ability to call in for contests on multiple phone lines is impressive and unmatched. Your selflessness to each other is inspiring.Moms, Dads, Husbands, Wives, Children, Teachers, First Responders, Members of our military - You make up this incredible 94.9 The Bull family. We hope that this next year brings even more opportunities for you to have once in a lifetime opportunities to meet these country music artists who write and sing the songs of your life. We hope to boost your economy with even more Georgia Country Cash. We hope you’ll continue to share your lives with us and each other about compassion and kindness.
Here’s to a stronger show than ever before in 2020.And here’s to a year full of The Good Stuff.
Photos: Getty Images