Georgians who want to vote in next month’s presidential primary election must be registered by the deadline…which is today.
Georgia is an open primary state, meaning voters don’t have to be affiliated with a political party and can choose either party’s ballot. You can check your voter registration status, election day precinct locations, early voting locations, absentee ballot applications and sample ballots by clicking HERE.
Georgia has about 7.2 million registered voters out of 10.6 million residents. Eligible voters must be a legal citizen of Georgia and must be more than 17 ½ years old. You also cannot be serving a sentence for conviction of a felony involving moral turpitude or found mentally incompetent by a judge.
Oh, and case you were wondering, “turpitude” is a word that represents depraved behavior. Basically, acts of moral turpitude are usually crimes that are unusually sick or corrupt.
Those whose registrations were canceled in December can re-register to vote if they’re eligible. Election officials removed the registrations of 287,000 people in December because they either moved away or stopped participating in elections for several years.
Photo: Getty Images