Medical workers on the front line of caring for positive Covid-19 patients have an even bigger struggle when they go home after their long shifts. They have to worry about contaminating their home and passing the coronavirus on to their own loved ones.
Most have created very strict rituals ranging from only having select parts of their home they can go to, living in their garages, sleeping in their vehicles or dumping their scrubs and clothes they wear to work in garbage bags while their loved ones very carefully transport them to a washer.
A facebook group of RV owners has come to the rescue. RVs 4 MDs was created for "Frontline Healthcare Workers in need of an RV and RV Owners willing to lend out an RV", according to the page.
The page pairs RV owners all across the country who are will to donating the use of their RVs and trailers to medical workers who can park the vehicle in their yards and live in it instead of risking entering their own homes. As of this writing the group has close to 10,000 members and has matched RVs to medical workers from Colorado to Texas. Pennsylvania to Florida.
If you have and RV you would like to offer or are a medical worker who would like to find an RV to use, find all of the info HERE.